Broadband and Phone Deals

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Broadband Deals » Broadband and Phone

Broadband Deals Comparison Table


37 of 330 deals matched.


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37 of 330 deals matched.

  1. NOW_12_ADSL11-Eve&Wkend_B05YU3

    NOW Broadband
    (139 reviews)
    Set-up costs £10 £10(inc. new line)
    • Upgrade to anytime calls for +£4/mo
    • No-contract TV memberships available

    You may cancel without penalty if the monthly price rises during your contract.

    Reduced price for 12 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £32.50/mo, subject to change.

  2. Virgin_18_Cable54-Eve&Wkend_5FBX34

    Virgin Media
    (29 reviews)
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Add evening calls for £5/mo
    • Free access to Virgin Media WiFi hotspots

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £51/mo, subject to change.

  3. Shell_12_ADSL11-Evening&Weekend_2ZM07M

    Shell Energy Broadband
    (61 reviews)
    Set-up costs £10.55 £70.55(inc. new line)
    • Exclusive discounts on fuel at Shell stations
    • Extra benefits through the Shell Go+ Rewards App

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £40.49/mo, subject to change.

  4. NOW_12_FTTC63-Eve&Wkend_0HE766

    NOW Broadband
    (139 reviews)
    Set-up costs £10 £10(inc. new line)
    • Upgrade to anytime calls for +£4/mo
    • No-contract TV memberships available

    You may cancel without penalty if the monthly price rises during your contract.

    Reduced price for 12 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £42.50/mo, subject to change.

  5. Vodafone_24_FTTC41-Eve&Wkend_2CI3MI

    (85 reviews)
    £20 Amazon voucher when you review!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Upgrade to Vodafone Pro II from £10/mo for Super WiFi Guarantee
    • Pro II membership also includes 4G Broadband Back-Up, Dedicated WiFi Xperts and Free Norton 360

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 24 months, standard out-of-contract price unknown.

  6. Vodafone_24_FTTC67-Eve&Wkend_2X166E

    (85 reviews)
    £20 Amazon voucher when you review!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Upgrade to Vodafone Pro II from £10/mo for Super WiFi Guarantee
    • Pro II membership also includes 4G Broadband Back-Up, Dedicated WiFi Xperts and Free Norton 360

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 24 months, standard out-of-contract price unknown.

  7. italk_24_ADSL10-Evening&Weekend_95R2WP

    (3 reviews)
    Set-up costs £12.95 £61.95(inc. new line)
    • Fixed term contract
    • UK Customer care and tech support
    • Free wireless router

    No mid-contract price increases.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £30.99/mo, subject to change.

  8. Shell_12_Fibre38-Evening&Weekend_6Q2DKO

    Shell Energy Broadband
    (61 reviews)
    Set-up costs £10.55 £70.55(inc. new line)
    • Exclusive discounts on fuel at Shell stations
    • Extra benefits through the Shell Go+ Rewards App

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £46.81/mo, subject to change.

  9. Shell_12_ADSL11-Anytime_3860EC

    Shell Energy Broadband
    (61 reviews)
    Set-up costs £10.55 £70.55(inc. new line)
    • Exclusive discounts on fuel at Shell stations
    • Extra benefits through the Shell Go+ Rewards App

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £45.54/mo, subject to change.

  10. Vodafone_24_FTTC67-Anytime_60NKTE

    (85 reviews)
    £20 Amazon voucher when you review!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Upgrade to Vodafone Pro II from £10/mo for Super WiFi Guarantee
    • Pro II membership also includes 4G Broadband Back-Up, Dedicated WiFi Xperts and Free Norton 360

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 24 months, standard out-of-contract price unknown.

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